To my beloved cleansing sanctuary of restoration, a treasure that scours life’s grit away and polishes the heart to a high-buffed shine, Wilbur Hot Springs Historic Lodge & Mineral Baths.




Finding Center in Spring Cleaning, an Ode to Wilbur Hot Springs


You are the stitches securing the seams of valleys,

the pulse steadying the push of ambitious hills,

arms gathering the wildness of breezy meadows,

god’s knife etching out luster from ore.


Your grounds hold remnants of rusted shackles,

but your tree branches climb to chime liberated prayer.

An embodied timeless truce between the right here and the out there,

your natures induce our inner emergence to metamorphose.


We meet like we always do, in the flint of the flickering midline,

silence creaking toward whisper, darkness dissolving into light’s resolve.

Our embrace, a savory selfless giving to one another,

provides the plausible pause we seek to glean clarity.


Between the place of breakdown and breakthrough
Clarity rolls out the silver lining.


At 6:00am in mid-March, a blackened sky has the interest

of Venus having her moment of captivation on the horizon line.

The night watchman shows providence to the governance of love,

and my eyes applaud her show of transitory boldness.


Serenity slips into the workings of these shifts.

I witness winter’s hard grip melting itself down

for the promise of a new form springing forth,

hello to the first orange poppies brushing bedrock.


I float,  breathing slowly and deliberately

turning lighter as sweat rocks the cradle of the lingering night.

A soak in the flumes of Wilbur Hot Springs brings witness

to a great thaw, density dropping its cling to permanence.


Curling tongues of steam lift the silent conversation

of heart contemplations, purified in their ascent.

In this moment, my breath becomes the song of the bullfrogs,

of the boldness of Venus and the awakening of a new dawn.

Indeed, we have arrived at another new possibility.

The channels open for the convergence of Spirit

moving into the fabric of I and the current of you.

Clarity in the polished heart becomes us, as we meet like we always do.